spheroid|spheroids in English


[sphe·roid || 'sfɪrɔɪd /'sfɪər-]

geometrical figure having a shape that is almost spherical

Use "spheroid|spheroids" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "spheroid|spheroids" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "spheroid|spheroids", or refer to the context using the word "spheroid|spheroids" in the English Dictionary.

1. In some processes, the cells are encapsulated in cellular spheroids 500μm in diameter.

2. Pre-adipocyte 3D cell spheroids were successfully generated as well as methods for biofunctionalisation.

3. Technically speaking, the earth is an oblate spheroid; it is slightly flattened at the poles.

4. Yes, some of the glassy spheroids glinted out of the gray lunar rocks like tiny diamonds!

5. 27 The cytotoxic effects of NDV ( Losota 4 ) were investigated on multicellular spheroid of human lung adenocarcinoma A 5

6. This is confirmed by experiments with spheroid washed platelets which form irreversible mixed aggregates with Walker 256 carcinoma cells without a stimulus being required.

7. PTT efficacy was evaluated for both empty (Ma) and Auns-loaded Ma (Ma(NS)) in both monolayers and spheroids consisting of C6 rat glioma cells and Ma.

8. The critical Mach number of the same spheroids in the different medium is deduced and the effect of compressibility under the same Mach number of main flow is analyzed.

9. A Biconcave disc — also referred to as a discocyte — is a geometric shape resembling an oblate spheroid with two concavities on the top and on the bottom

10. Ball and socket joints are a type of synovial joint where the spheroid articular surface of one bone sits within a cup-like depression of another bone.

11. Science Advances 17 Mar 2021: eabf9153 Open Access 3D multifunctional frameworks, as flexible as a single strand of silk, modulate and measure neural activity of brain spheroids

12. Cells must be no further than 100–200 μm from a blood vessel to receive adequate nutrients and oxygen to survive, thus large Avascularised spheroids can quickly develop a hypoxic and necrotic core which influences stem cell survival, maintenance and differentiation.

13. Basidiomycetes are usually divided into two subclasses: HoloBasidiomycetes, which has a single-cell basidium called the holobasidium, and PhragmoBasidiomycetes, which has either a four-celled basidium, the so-called phragmobasidium, or a single-cell spheroid, pear-shaped, or elongated dichotomously bifurcate basidium.

14. Forced expression of wild-type E-cadherin in immortalized OSE cells initiated Adherens junction formation, decreased LEF-1 activity, decreased the mesenchymal migration that is a characteristic of OSE cells that have been maintained in monolayer culture, and induced the formation of cohesive spheroids in basement membrane gels.

15. Blastophore: ( blas'tō-fōr ), An early stage of division of a coccidial schizont in which spheroid or ellipsoid structures are formed with a single peripheral layer of nuclei; merozoites form at the surface of the Blastophore over each nucleus, grow out radially, and separate from the residual body (remnant of the Blastophore); in a

16. Cylindrical projection definition is - a projection (as of a sphere or a spheroid) on the surface of a cylinder; specifically : any of numerous map projections of the terrestrial sphere on the surface of a cylinder that is then unrolled as a plane, the parallels and meridians appearing as straight lines perpendicular to each other if the cylinder is tangent over the sphere at the equator and

17. The role of stress on the growth of a spheroid in vitro had already been shown (G Helminger already cited), but the experiment of Matthew Paszek (last signatory of the article: Valerie Weaver) in 2005 will give a new dimension to this use of mechanical signals in vitro by showing the passage from a normal architecture of a breast acinus - the elementary unit of the mammary gland - to a cancerous architecture under the influence of a single variable, mechanical, here the surface tension caused by an increasing concentration of collagen in the culture medium surrounding the tumor.